
Product Return

Deadline Dates



        June 20th  2019  - NEW DATE   

                 All Corn Seed must be returned by this date.

                 Corn Seed returned over 10% of grower order will initiate $10/bag return charge on total % returned.

                                      (Credit for Seed will be reduced the $10/bag amount)

                                      (Boxes with broken seals are not returnable)

                                      (Any broken/damaged bags are not returnable)

                                      (No Return on Allocated Seed)

                                      (Deposits will be charged at $800/seed box $25/pallet if not returned by posted dates)


        June 27th 2019 - NEW DATE  

                 All Soybean Seed must be returned by this date.

                 Soybean Seed returned over 10% of grower order will initiate $3/bag return charge on total % returned.

                                       (Credit for Seed will be reduced the $3/bag amount)

                                       (Bulk soybeans are not returnable)

                                       (Boxes/bags with broken seals are not returnable)

                                       (Any open or treated soybeans are not returnable)

                                       (Deposits will be charged at $800/seed box $25/pallet if not returned by posted dates)


        June 27th 2019 - NEW DATE          

                                         All Bags/boxes of Dry/Liquid Insecticides

                                                     (Open/Partial packages are not returnable)

                                         All Pre-Emerge Corn Herbicides

                                                     (Open/Partial packages are not returnable)

                                         All Pre-emerge Soybean Herbicides

                                                     (Open/Partial packages are not returnable)

                                         All seed pallets and seed boxes

                                         All Bulk/MB  Chemical Products are Non-Returnable

                                                    (No Return on Special order Products)


        July 1st  2019 

                                             All Wheat Herbicides  

                                             Soybean Dicamba (Engenia, Xtendimax & Fexapan)                                  


        August 1st  2019

                                            All Post Emerge Corn Herbicides

                                                     (Including all surfactants/additives)

                                            All Post Emerge Soybean Herbicides

                                                     (Including all surfactants/additives)

        August 15th  2019

                                            All Shuttles will have a $800 shuttle w/pump deposit

                                            Caged tanks/MB’s will have a $200 deposit

                                            All returns must have matching numbers & seals in place for credit

                                                     (tank deposit can be deferred if Product still in container)

                                            All Post Emerge Insecticides and Fungicides returned