Grain Fees

Hedge to Arrive Contract Fees
There is NO Fee charged for initial HTA contracts
made within 12 months
There is a 5 cent fee applied to HTA contracts
made beyond 12 months
Current month is free.  There is a 1 1/2 cent fee
charged per contract month.  The month of
September will not be counted in Soybeans.

Rolling Fees for HTA Contracts
Rolling Fee is 1 cent per contract month. 
Example: You roll a Dec HTA contract to July
The fee is 3 cents which accounts for the
months MAR, MAY, JLY

Rolling Fee is 1 1/2 cent per contract month.
 Example: You roll a Nov HTA contract to May.
The fee is 4 1/2 cents which accounts for the
months JAN, MAR, MAY
Basis Fix Contract Fees
There are is no fee for the initial start of a
Basis Fix Contract.  Rolling Fees for Basis Fix
Contracts are 1 cent per contract month for corn
and 1 1/2 cents per contract month for
soybeans and wheat.
Basis Fix Contracts are limited to ONE ROLL.
Cannot go from one crop year to the next.

Subject to Change at any time (Last Update 6/3/19)

All HTA Fees are Deducted off the Futures price at contract creation
No Rolling will be done from one crop year to another

Official Grain Inspection Fee Schedule
Submitted Sample (two or more factors)            $13.00
NIRT protein-wheat/barley                                  $9.50
Insect damage kernels on 100 grams                   $9.50
Vomitoxin                                                         $33.00
Aflatoxin                                                           $33.00
Falling Numbers                                                 $13.00
(Effective starting 1/8/18)
These grading fees apply when we are asked, or choose
to have the Grain Inspection Office in Appleton grade samples.